Does Spankbang Pay People to Upload Videos?

Make money from your videos by uploading them to these sites... These days, everybody is constantly uploading videos online and on social media. And as a money savvy person, you may wonder if you can actually get paid to upload videos.

We are not talking a out selling your videos. We are talking about uploading to video sharing sites where thousands of people watch videos and you proceed getting paid over and over again for each ane.

Whether information technology'south through your smartphone or a digital camera, making videos can not but be fun, but you could really make money from it.

Nosotros've all heard of YouTube celebrities who are making money on YouTube. But what if you could brand money with your videos without needing to become an internet celebrity?

Everyone from beginners to professional person filmmakers tin earn money from their videos and that's what today'south post is all virtually.

There are websites out there where yous tin get paid to upload videos.

And the great thing about these sites is that you can really brand $1,000s a month!

Best Website to Upload Video & Earn Money

Hither are the top sites where yous can go paid for your videos.

1. YouTube

YouTube is one of the most accessible options on this list and it's then like shooting fish in a barrel to get started with that fifty-fifty beginners will have no trouble getting their own channel set upwardly.

It's important to note that YouTube doesn't directly pay you to upload videos.

Instead, in one case you lot gain plenty viewers, you lot can get a YouTube Partner, and earn money from the ads that play on your videos.

Grow your aqueduct, and, eventually, you lot tin partner with brands who will pay you lot to upload sponsored videos for them. Lots of people make a fulltime living from YouTube. While yous won't qualify for the YouTube Partner programme from the outset, keep uploading, and one time you proceeds enough views, y'all'll be able to monetize your videos.

Although YouTube doesn't say how much its video creators earn, online reports suggest that for every 1,000 views, YouTubers earn anywhere from $0.25 to $7. You get paid through your AdSense account.

For more details check out how much exercise YouTubers make.

2. Dailymotion

For anyone looking to get paid to upload videos on a platform that's not quite then competitive as YouTube, Dailymotion is a formidable choice. The website gives you all of the tools you need to upload videos and earn revenue from them.

Dailymotion has a revenue share program that greatly benefits video creators.

Once you have go a partner, you tin can promote your content through a Dailymotion channel and start earning acquirement from the videos you upload.

Basically, you make money from ads that announced before, during, or after videos. Yous share in the revenue ads generate. This means that the more views your videos get, the more acquirement you earn. You lot can earn fifty-fifty more greenbacks by embedding your videos on your own websites – you lot just demand to verify your domain.

You'll get paid to your banking concern business relationship one time you reach $100.

three. Metacafe

Update: Metacafe has retired. In that location is a new site ( that has all the videos but they do non pay for video uploads.

Metacafe is another video site like YouTube where people can share a variety of videos. Similar YouTube, the site has a partner programme that y'all can join to earn money from your videos.

You get paid $5 per one,000 views, which is pretty good.

4. Vimeo

Vimeo is better suited to professional video-makers and filmmakers. Aspiring filmmakers use Vimeo to showcase their work. If you are a filmmaker, then y'all should consider joining Vimeo Pro.

With it, you can outset selling videos directly to your fans. You get to keep xc% of the acquirement after transaction costs.

5. Facebook

With Facebook, you tin earn money from in-stream ads in your videos. In-stream ads assist eligible video creators to earn money past including short video or prototype ads in qualifying videos.

To be eligible, you will need to have a Facebook page, rather than a contour. You can learn more almost qualifying on the page linked above.

6. Twitch

If you savour playing video games, then try out Twitch. It's a streaming platform where you tin livestream gameplay from games like Fortnite, Among Us, and Minecraft.

Y'all can make money through Twitch Affiliates, and if y'all grow your channel enough, you lot can eventually become a Twitch Partner.

Co-ordinate to CNBC, Twitch streamers earn around $3,000 to $five,000 a month.

To acquire more than near making money with Twitch, make sure you check out this post.

7. Brightcove

Brightcove is a lilliputian more than complex than some of the other options on the list making it meliorate suited to those who are very tech-savvy. At that place, yous'll observe a whole host of tools that can help y'all to distribute and monetize videos.

The main way that you go paid for your videos with Brightcove is with ads.

Yous tin insert ads into your videos and earn revenue from them. At present, compared to YouTube, Brightcove gives video creators much more than control over the way ads are used in their videos. You can choose when yous desire ads to play or insert banners and video overlays.

Video Sites that Used to Pay for Uploads

When we originally wrote this postal service (a few years back), our listing of sites that paid for videos was bigger. Some of those sites no longer exist or take changed their business concern model.

I am just leaving them hither for archival reasons and for anyone wondering "what happened to X site?".

  • Blip.goggle box
  • CustomFlix (Now known as CreateSpace)
  • FlixYa
  • Pause
  • Revver
  • Atom Films

Closing Thoughts

Yes, you really tin get paid to upload videos! Requite these sites a endeavour and you could even brand a fulltime income from your videos. Sure, yous have to put in the work upfront and build a following, but, eventually, this could make you plenty money to be your fulltime gig!

Practise you have whatever tips on making money from videos? Or whatever awesome sites that nosotros didn't mention in our list?

If then, share them with us in the comments section below.


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